Discipline & Guidance
At St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus Early Learning Center, the term guidance is used for several reasons. It is a positive term, and implies working WITH the child to develop internal control of his/her behavior. Our goal is to encourage the children to be creative, independent, responsible, and socially mature human beings. This involves learning to make responsible choices, and accepting the consequences of such choices.
Guidance takes several forms:
A place designed for children. The furniture is child-sized with lots of hands-on experiences.
Logical Rules:
Such as keeping our hands to ourselves, and taking care of the learning equipment. These are discussed with the children, as well as why such rules are needed.
Is developmentally appropriate, based on the child's interests and level of readiness.
Positive Behavior:
We reinforce the behaviors we encourage. Catch them being "good!"
Often interesting a child in another activity can eliminate a potential difficulty. We might ask a child to help us or send them to a different area to play.
Positive Reminder:
Telling the child what we want them to do, rather than using "no" or "don't."
Renewal Time:
Occasionally a child needs to be removed from the situation for a brief time allowing them to consider alternate behavior.
Since the purpose of discipline is to teach, more verbal children should be encouraged to talk to their peers when conflict arises (i.e. a child who was struck by a peer should be encouraged to tell that peer that they do not like to be hit and that it hurts.) This helps children empathize with one another's feelings and really see the results of their actions. We do not ask a child to apologize for their actions. Generally, they are not sorry for what they did. If they are truly sorry, they will apologize on their own.
Inappropriate behavior shall be viewed as exactly that. Children shall NEVER be referred to as naughty or bad. Always address the behavior as the problem, not the child. Whenever possible, give a child a choice. Let them own their own actions by choosing what they will do. A teacher is not expected to love all of the children all of the time, but they are expected to give unconditional acceptance of the child as a good person trying their best to learn about life.
Any on-going situations will be discussed with the parents to ensure a cooperative approach. Please feel free to discuss any questions or concerns.
We will make every effort to work with the parents of children having difficulties in child care. We are here to serve and protect all of our children, though. Children displaying chronic disruptive behavior which has been determined to be upsetting to the physical or emotional well being of another child may require the following action:
Initial consultation:
The parents will be asked to meet for a conference. The problem will be identified and a course of action established to resolve situation.
Second consultation:
If the initial plan for helping the child fails, the parent(s) will again be required to meet with the Director. Another attempt will be made to identify the problem, outline new approaches to the problem, and discuss the consequences if progress is not apparent.